Monday, December 19, 2005

"Is this what you want your life to be like, Dave?"

I don't know how old this is, but it's an interesting site with a rather implausible conspiracy theory about how a cabal of wealthy and influential black people (and George Lucas!) conspired to run "Chappelle's Show" into the ground.

A word to the wise, though. If you're susceptible to having nightmares about Al Sharpton breaking into your home at night and menacing your family, "The Chappelle Theory" might not be for you. Trust me on this one.

My favorite part? That's easy--when Oprah somehow beams a private message to Dave Chappelle through his TV while he's watching her show. How, you might ask, did Oprah know he'd be watching her show at that exact instant? Because she's Oprah, bitches. That's how.

h/t Andy.

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