Monday, October 16, 2006

Bras behind bars

As if doing time wasn't bad enough, authorities in Indiana are making it tougher for prisoners to get a peek at some dirty pillows:
Revealing tops are out and bras are now a must for women visiting prisoners at the Vanderburgh County Jail. Jail officials imposed a new dress code policy after several incidents in which women visiting the jail exposed themselves to male prisoners.

The new policy, posted at the jail's front desk, states that women cannot wear halter tops, sleeveless dresses and shirts, see-through garments, revealing dresses, and shorts cut higher than 2 inches above the knee.

Spandex and "extremely tight fitting" jeans or pants also are frowned upon.
They may as well make the women show up in a burka. I mean, aren't we fighting against this same kind of repression in Afgahanistan?

And get a load of this part of the jail's draft policy, which was apparently written by Yoda:
"Adult female visitors, as well as females who would have need of a bra, shall be required to wear a bra," the draft policy also states.

Finally, I found the following part of the article pretty interesting:
The jail's commander, Maj. Dave Wedding, said some women have exposed themselves to male inmates in video visitation booths, located in plain view in the jail's main lobby.


Many female visitors bring children, and Wedding said he hopes the dress code will create a more family friendly environment.
When I think "family friendly," things like restaurants and ballparks come to mind. Jail, on the other hand? Not so much.

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