Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Take the pledge

On a more serious note than I usually sound around here, Beth over at My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy wants Republicans to sign the following pledge:
If the United States Senate passes a resolution, non-binding or otherwise, that criticizes the commitment of additional troops to Iraq that General Petraeus has asked for and that the president has pledged, and if the Senate does so after the testimony of General Petraeus on January 23 that such a resolution will be an encouragement to the enemy, I will not contribute to any Republican senator who voted for the resolution. Further, if any Republican senator who votes for such a resolution is a candidate for re-election in 2008, I will not contribute to the National Republican Senatorial Committee unless the Chairman of that Committee, Senator Ensign, commits in writing that none of the funds of the NRSC will go to support the re-election of any senator supporting the non-binding resolution.
She makes a good case for why this is so important:
This matters, y’all. This isn’t just about supporting Bush; it’s about showing the Iraqis that we are not weak-kneed, fair-weather friends to those who need our help, and that we aren’t afraid to do what it takes to get the job done. Y’all know that’s what those serving in uniform are waiting for, because they aren’t going all wobbly. It’s their lives on the line. Too bad some in the Senate place their own “political survival” higher in their priorities than the actual lives of our troops and our national security.
Sounds exactly right to me, so I signed it. If you want to sign it or read more about it, head on over to the link at the top of this post. Let's hope they take it seriously.

(Via ace whose post—trust me on this—you do not want to read all the way through.)

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