Monday, August 04, 2008

Easy come, easy go

I'm something of an agnostic, but stories like this one lead me to believe that if there is a God, He's got a pretty good sense of humor:
A pickup truck thief lost his purloined Chevy Silverado to an armed carjacker during a 7-Eleven stop. Police Cmdr. Kelly McMillin said "you couldn't make up something stranger than this."

A 33-year-old man told police he stole the pickup Saturday then, while sitting outside a convenience store, a man with a gun hopped in and ordered him to start driving.
The article goes on to say that when the truck ran out of gas, the guy with the gun told the original thief to get out and push, but he got away and called the police. Something tells me he probably didn't give them his name.

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