Friday, August 15, 2008

They're too sexy for their bratwurst

I know there are at least a couple of lady-type people who read this blog, and I'm pretty sure that if I asked them to name what they thought was the sexiest city in the world, I'd get answers like New York, Paris, or Venice. But Milwaukee?
The women's magazine Marie Claire has named Milwaukee the sexiest city in the world, amazing many Milwaukee residents.

Lea Goldman, the magazine's editor, told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that the staff decided that a city best-known for its breweries and bratwurst has a lot to offer the women in their 20s and 30s that Marie Claire considers its core audience. Other cities that got close consideration were Miami, New Orleans and Beijing.

Events like the Arab World Festival and the celebration of Harley-Davidson's 105th anniversary helped put Milwaukee over the top. The magazine described the city as welcoming "NASCAR tailgaters, Lebanese dabka dance fans and Foo Fighters freaks."

"We were astonished by how robust the city was in terms of entertainment," Goldman said. "On any given weekend, you can find at least three festivals in the area that offer diverse options."
You know, all that stuff sounds fun and entertaining, but is it sexy?

And while it's been some time since I've been in Wisconsin, I don't remember the natives as being a particularly sexy bunch. Then again, they drink pretty heavily there, so I guess they have the beer goggles thing going for them.

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