Monday, January 25, 2010

Go to jail, go directly to jail...

...and, um, you probably don't want to try to break into jail:
At about 4:10 a.m., sheriff deputies at the jail spotted a man scrambling over a tall fence that surrounds a secure lot where arresting officers unload potential prisoners and escort them inside. Jail officials met the man on the ground and contacted Medford police.

The man, James Merrill DeVore, 28, told police that he was distraught over the death of his mother two years ago and admitted that he had been drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana. He told officers that he needed help, so he went to the jail to ask for assistance. When he didn't get an immediate answer at the front entrance, he decided to go around to the back.

Medford police charged him with disorderly conduct and trespassing.

The funniest part? His antics still didn't land him in jail. He ended up in a county "sobering center" and was referred to a local mental health program instead.

Well, I guess that isn't really "funny," per se. I hope he gets the help he needs.

(Okay, am I a bad person if I still think it's funny?)

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