Tuesday, November 29, 2005

It's no accident

Jeff at protein wisdom has an interesting post today about the shape of things to come in 2006. In it, he quotes an article by former Democrat Congressman Martin Frost of Texas. Says Frost:
Quietly, without a shot being fired, a revolution is about to occur in American politics. There is a very strong chance that, one year from now, a woman will be third in line for the presidency of the United States.

If the current trend continues, Nancy Pelosi will be Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives following the November 2006 congressional elections.
The rest of Frost's piece is mainly about how the GOP majority in the House is vulnerable in 2006, and Jeff is, of course concerned about that, too.

Jeff lays out the idea that Bush needs to keep up his pushback against the defeatist voices of war critics in Congress and the MSM, because the public needs to hear optimistic voices from somewhere.

I agree. The GOP has a lot to lose, and they're not going to get much (if any) help from the media in getting out the good news from Iraq (or on the economy, for that matter). But Jeff says something interesting toward the end of his post:
Americans love optimism and hates defeatism. Time to remind them who stands for what.

And if all that fails, remind them, as Former Congressman Frost has, that if they don’t vote Republican, Nancy freakin’ Pelosi could, by some freak accident, ascend to the Presidency. [emphasis mine]
Now, I don't think the Dems are going to wait on an accident at all. You can call me paranoid, but I think Frost is actually telegraphing the Dems' punch when he reminds us that Pelosi would be third in line for the presidency.

Remember, Frost told us that "Quietly, without a shot being fired, a revolution is about to occur in American politics." We don't tend to have shots fired in American politics, because we're the most stable republic in the world. But I have little doubt that the Dems, steeped in Bush-hatred and harboring revenge fantasies left over from Clinton's impeachment, will at least mull over trying to get rid of both Bush and Cheney because they supposedly "misled" the country into war with Iraq. And who, then, would take over? Oh, right.

Remember, John Conyers already held a silly little dress rehearsal this summer. If the Dems can retake the House next year, with Pelosi in the driver's seat, do you think we can really count on them not to go hog-wild and try for the real thing?

As Jeff said, "Be very afraid."

Update: I didn't see this when I started writing this post, but Jeff links to Jim Geraghty, who reached the same conclusion that I did. Only, you know, earlier.

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