Thursday, August 17, 2006

Like a Viking II: Son of Like a Viking

After being ridiculed by pretty much the entire right side of the blogosphere yesterday, you might think Andrew Sullivan would think twice before floating more insane conspiracy theories. You'd be wrong.
I have long wondered whether Cheney and Rumsfeld ever believed that their job was to build a new democracy in Iraq. Rumsfeld had dealt with and supported Saddam in the past; Cheney was extremely suspicious of occupying Iraq in 1990. One subversive theory - which I'm not endorsing, just airing - is that both merely wanted to turn the Saddam regime to rubble, and then play along with neocon democracy supporters, while making sure that the military was never given enough resources to do nation-building. Then Cheney and Rumsfeld could prove their point about the impossibility of reforming the Muslim world, and promote the view that we need merely to pummel enemies, project military fear across the region, and deter Islamo-fascism by "shock and awe." The Likud strategy, in other words.
Where to even begin? One subversive theory--which I'm not endorsing, just airing--is that we are dealing with someone who is crazier than a shithouse rat. Oh, and by the way, good job insinuating that the Joooooooooos! are secretly pulling the strings.

Once again, Ace is right on top of this. With graphics this time, too.

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