Tuesday, September 02, 2008

FAIL, Brittannia!

You know, when your country's military is knuckling under to PETA, maybe you should just preemptively surrender. To everyone.
After meeting with animal rights activists, the British military said Tuesday that it will study alternative materials to replace the bearskin hats worn by the soldiers who guard Buckingham Palace.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, supported by some members of Parliament, says killing Canadian black bears to make the headgear is cruel. PETA says it will ask clothes designers to draw up a new hat using synthetic materials.

Although Canadian black bears are not an endangered species, sentiment has grown in Britain against using the fur for headgear that has no military purpose other than as a ceremonial adornment.

The Defense Ministry has said it is open to using synthetics but has yet to find a high-quality, weather-resistant replacement for the fur. It said Tuesday it will discuss the issue further in October.
You know, if it was a matter of synthetics being better materials, I don't think this would bother me. But since the fucking PETArds are involved, this really gets my goat. You're going to throw away hundreds of years of military tradition away because a bunch of scrawny vegan assholes think that killing a few non-endangered wild animals (they buy between 50 and 100 pelts each year to make and maintain the hats, which last for forty years or so) is cruel? Great.

Winston Churchill must be spinning in his grave.

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