Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Burge in '08

Iowahawk throws his hat into the ring and lays out a campaign platform that I think I can get behind. Take a gander at his thoughts on foreign policy:
With our nation facing challenges from extremists and madmen around the globe, Americans are asking serious questions of the presidential field. Questions like, "does this candidate have the mature, thoughtful, and sober judgment to lead us through the threats that confront us?" And, "if necessary, is this candidate capable of doubling down on the crazy stakes to scare our enemies shitless?"

Ask anyone who knows, and they will tell you: when sober, Dave Burge has the mature, thoughtful judgement called for in 50 to 60% of foreign policy situations. These same people will also tell you that after eight or ten Jager shots, all bets are off. And let this be a notice to America's enemies: President Dave ain't gonna put no padlock on the Oval Office liquor cabinet.
If that doesn't get your vote, I don't know what will.

(Via Dan Collins, writing at protein wisdom, whose blog host would make a fine Veep, if you asked me.)

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