Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Fight for your right to (Communist) party

China isn't a country known for its freedoms, but now some brave souls are fighting for the right to get liquored up at lunch:
Liquor makers in central China's Henan province are planning a legal challenge to fight a ban on Communist Party officials and civil servants drinking alcohol at lunch during work days, state media said on Wednesday.

The ban, introduced in January last year, has led to more than 100 local cadres being reprimanded for ignoring it, the official Xinhua news said.

Local restaurants are complaining they have taken a hit in terms of fewer lunch customers and lower revenues from not selling as much alcohol, the report said.
Damn, just how much booze were these people ordering every day? If the restaurants are taking that big a hit from people not boozing it up at lunchtime, maybe the alcohol ban wasn't such a bad idea after all.

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