Friday, July 18, 2008

A plan both bold and stupid

I don't know whether I should call this guy an idiot or if I should admire him for having the balls to even try pulling off his scheme:
An Indian man who took an impersonator to court to get a divorce faces legal action after his real wife found out, lawyers said Friday.

Sanjib Saha presented a woman as his wife in a lower court in the eastern city of Kolkata this month. Both said they sought a mutual divorce, something the court granted immediately.
The article goes on to note that his real wife was asked to leave their home, at which point the whole thing fell apart. I guess she started to think something fishy was going on when she was told they had gone to court to get a mutual divorce, seeing as how that's the type of thing most women would remember. Oh, and she's appealing the divorce. I wonder how he didn't see any of that coming.

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