Wednesday, August 05, 2009

The horror! The horror!

There have been plenty of commercials over the years that I haven't liked, but unlike this stupid Scandi, I've never been terrified by one, much less felt the need create an online support group for like-minded pansies:
Anders Hammas, the Swedish student who started the "I am scared of the girl in the Apoliva commercial" Facebook group, said he was inspired to protest the "horrible" commercial, which features supermodel Adina Fohlin standing in the snow and rain while a Swedish folk song plays, the very first time he saw it, The Local reported Wednesday.

"Those of us who have a TV and like to watch commercials/can't be bothered to reach for the remote are facing a problem," Hammas wrote in the group's description. "Apoliva has begun to run a commercial that is frightening. A woman singing a Nordic/Swedish folk song in freezing rain with lightning. I am creating this group for those of us who need somewhere to seek support and talk things out. It's only a matter of time before it creeps into our dreams and terrorizes us in our sleep."
I can't be certain that this is it, but I found the following, which seems to fit the description from the article on YouTube. Brace yourself for half a minute of sheer, white-knuckled terror...

Yeah, that's like every horror movie ever made, all rolled into one.

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