Monday, October 04, 2010

Naked ambition

Somehow, I just don't see this campaign gaining a whole lot of traction:
The Naked Cowboy, a New York busker famous for playing the guitar in his underwear in Times Square, said he is running for president.

The cowboy, real name Robert John Burck, 39, posted a press release on his Web site,, outlining his plan to run for president on a conservative platform, the New York Daily News reported Monday.
This man's proposed candidacy presents some quandaries.

On the one hand, how can we trust him when he claims to be "naked" but is clearly wearing underpants?

On the other hand, would we actually want a president who didn't wear any overpants?

On the third hand (I happen to be a mutant, thank you very much) we're talking about someone here who has no executive experience whatsoever. Oh, wait...

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